We have a limited number of seats in our license pool, so we ask that you try out MAXQDA to make sure it will work for your research needs before requesting access. Some ways you can try out MAXQDA include:
You may also want to consider other qualitative data analysis software (QDAS) packages, including NVivo (available for free download through IUWare), Atlas.ti (v9 available in our Qual Lab), and other options. We also provide consultations and workshops on choosing a QDAS package to meet your preferences and needs.
IU Bloomington affiliates conducting research are eligible to request access. Undergraduate students should have a faculty or graduate student advisor or sponsor. If you're not sure whether or not you're eligible, just send us an email.
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide access to our MAXQDA license pool for classes or course projects. Instructors are encouraged to request free MAXQDA course licenses for their students to use for class projects. Students can also use MAXQDA in the Qual Lab or other campus labs. We're also happy to provide workshops, trainings, and consultations to support classes and class projects!
Once approved, we'll give you information about connecting to our license server. You can use an on-campus computer or your own computer off-campus, but if you are off-campus, you will need to first connect to the IU VPN.
MAXQDA also has some system requirements for using their software; check these requirements on their website for the most up-to-date information on what you'll need to install and run MAXQDA on your computer.
We have a limited number of seats available, and we also need to assess the benefit and impact of our services. For these reasons, we ask researchers to follow some best practices while using MAXQDA (including closing out of MAXQDA when not using it to open up a seat for another researcher), and also periodically asking researchers to provide feedback and information on the research that our license pool has supported.